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क्रिसमस - विकिपीडिया क्रिसमस या बड़ा दिन ईसा मसीह या यीशु के जन्म की खुशी में मनाया जाने वाला पर्व है। यह 25 दिसंबर को पड़ता है और इस दिन लगभग संपूर्ण विश्व
Christmas | Origin, Definition, Traditions, History, Facts | Britannica Christmas was traditionally a festival celebrating the birth of , but in the early 20th century, it also became a secular family holiday, observed by Christians and non-Christians alike The secular holiday is often devoid of Christian elements, with the mythical figure playing the pivotal role
History of Christmas ‑ Origins, Traditions Facts | HISTORY Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it
क्रिसमस - विकिपीडिया क्रिसमस ईसाई धर्म का तिहुआर हवे जेवन यीशू के जनम-दिन की खुशी की रूप में 25 दिसंबर के लगभग पूरा दुनियाँ में मनावल जाला।
Christmas in India - WhyChristmas. com Christmas in India Compared to other religious festivals, Christmas is quite a small festival in India, due to the number of people who are Christians (about 2 3%) compared to people who belong to other religions